Always Tinkering

Never Stop learning

Hi! I'm Grace Ko, a Web Developer based in San Jose, CA.

I'm a lateral thinker who sees chaos as an exciting opportunity for creativity and efficient solutions. I'm focused, result driven and love seeing ideas to fruition through code, visual expressions, and great teamwork. I always strive to balance creativity and structure to maximize productivity. Take a look around and if you like what you see, let's connect!


Front End Developer



100+ page website built on HubSpot platform using HTML, CSS/Bulma, HubL, JavaScript, and BEM naming convention. Timely delivered multiple requests for custom and modular pages, templates, user interfaces, special features, etc. in parallel on a tight deadline for an extremely fast paced marketing/branding team

Freelance Developer

Development & Design


Developed custom websites for small businesses on CMS platforms such as Wordpress, Wix, and SquareSpace using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Designed around logos that customers brought from previous designers (disclaimer: some modifications may have been made on their own since completion of project)

What's Brewing?

Development & Design

Current Projects

A gratitude journal built on JavaScript, Node, Heroku, MongoDB with Google authentication and an interactive 3D garage housing 2021 BMW M2 built with React, Blender and Three.js

Github coming soon!


Get in Touch